Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey
Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey - navigtation menu Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey About Dr. Spett and Dr. Mollick - Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey Scheduling a First Appointment - Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey Articles for Mental Health Professionals - Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey
Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey - navigation menu Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey - Low Self-Esteem Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey - Stress, Worry, Anxiety & Panic Attacks Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey - Depression Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey - Shyness and Social Anxiety Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey - Stress Reduction & Mindfulness
We treat OCD with exposure and without exposure.

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We also treat relationship problems, anger, post-traumatic stress disorder, loss and grief, and many other problems.

Dr. Lynn R. Mollick and Dr. Milton C. Spett - founders of leaders of the New Jersey Associaton of Cognitive Behavior Therapists

Stress Reduction & Mindfulness

Are you experiencing stress?

  • Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed?
  • Are you experiencing stress at work or at school or in a relationship?
  • Does your mind jump from one thing to another?
  • Do you find yourself rushing from one activity to another?
  • Do you feel like there just isn't enough time to do everything you have to do?
  • Are you constantly busy but not really enjoying life?

If you answered "yes" to some of these questions, you are experiencing stress. Stress can make you depressed or irritable or angry. Stress can cause problems in your relationships. Stress can interfere with your effectiveness at work or school, and it can damage your physical health.

Three ways we can help you reduce your stress

  1. We can help you prevent stressful situations from occurring, and we can teach you better ways to cope with stressful situations you cannot prevent.
  2. We can show you new ways of thinking about stressful situations to make them less upsetting.
  3. We can teach you relaxation, meditation, and mindfulness skills that will reduce your stress.


Research has found that Mindfulness is a very effective stress reduction technique. Mindfulness means being aware of your thoughts, feelings and sensations without judging them.

When you are mindful, you don't dwell on the past, you don't worry about the future, and you don't constantly criticize yourself or anyone else. Being mindful means judging less, struggling less, experiencing more, and enjoying life more.

"In-the-moment" Mindfulness

This means being aware of thoughts, feelings, and sensations throughout the day. You can walk mindfully, wash dishes mindfully, eat mindfully, etc. Living mindfully instead of being on automatic pilot or lost in your thoughts and feelings can make you more efficient, and greatly increase your enjoyment of life.

Mindfulness exercises

This refers to taking out a short period of time to close your eyes and focus your attention in a way that teaches non-judgmental, present-focused awareness. There are many mindfulness exercises, and we will recommend the exercises that are right for you.

How mindfulness can reduce your stress

Mindfulness is relaxing, and it also helps you tune in to thoughts, feelings, and things going on around you that you might have missed. Mindfulness can increase your joy in life, improve your relationships, make you more effective at work or school, and strengthen your immune system.

As part of your treatment at Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey, your therapist will design a stress reduction program, possibly including mindfulness, that fits into your lifestyle and enables you to live a happy and rewarding life.

Call us at 908-276-3888

Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey
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